Our Services
Our office is proud to offer the following services to our patients:
Get proactive about your oral health with Family Dentistry appointments offered by our team. From fillings to make your teeth strong and healthy again to Periodontal (Gum) Disease Therapy to prevent tooth loss. Professional Teeth Cleanings, to maintain good oral health and Sealants, to protect children’s teeth from decay. We cover all the bases so you can keep smiling with good oral health. Schedule your families next dental exams today!
Makeover your smile with porcelain or composite veneers that transform the surface color and shape of your tooth. Dental veneers are bonded to the tooth’s surface to give you a totally new smile. Our care team treats every dental patient with care in a highly individualized way. We approach your specific needs as a patient and target problems with the latest knowledge and tools available in modern dentistry. Our comprehensive approach to care means your smile gets only the best treatment and outcomes. Your smile is a big part of who you are, so we do all we can to keep you smiling!
Teeth whitening is among the most requested cosmetic dentistry services. After all, who doesn’t love a bright, shining smile? There are a variety of teeth whitening techniques available at your dentist’s office that are safe and effective for the vast majority of people. Treatments range from prescription-strength whitening kits that patients use at home to chairside bleaching to state-of-the-art laser technology. Talk with your dentist to see which whitening options are right for you. Keep in mind that scheduling a professional dental cleaning for every six months will go a long way toward keeping your teeth pearly white.
Dental Crowns are similar to veneers, but instead of simply covering the front of the tooth, they encase both the front and the back of the tooth. This option is typically used on to keep cracked or otherwise very weak teeth in place. Crowns can be made from ceramic composites, porcelain, or resin.
Although still used in certain circumstances, 21st-century dental technology has reduced the need for Bridges. However, this option is still useful when patients don’t have sufficient bone material to make dental implants a viable choice.
Implants are designed to take the place of a single tooth or several teeth that have become decayed or otherwise damaged to the extent that they need to be removed. Implants are designed to mimic natural teeth in both appearance and functionality as well as preserve the overall structural integrity of the face. They can be customized to match the shade of the surrounding natural teeth, and they can last a lifetime if properly taken care of. Most people with implants can chew in the same way that they did with their natural teeth.
Extractions are a procedure that dentists provide to patients when they’re experiencing problems like tooth decay, tooth crowding and infection. The dental professionals at Mullany Jr G Thomas DDS provide safe tooth extraction services to patients in the Great Barrington, MA area. We are committed to making sure that every patient has access to high-quality dental care. Schedule your next appointment today!